White Ash

White ash wood is responsible for one of the most recognizably American sounds, the crack of a baseball hitting a bat. The strong pale wood has been used for generations to manufacture baseball bats, tennis racquets, bowling alleys, furniture, flooring, and much more. It is most famously used by the maker of the Louisville Slugger baseball bats, a favorite of New York City heroes like Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Because of its widespread use, white ash is cultivated across the United States. However, it is now under attack from an invasive beetle from Asia called the emerald ash borer. You can help protect the white ash by not transporting firewood from place to place.
8-15 inches long, opposite arrangement, rows of five to nine leaflets, leaflets are narrow and oval-shaped with tips that taper to a point -
Female plants produce paddle shaped samaras -
Small; green, purple, and black -
Small; green, purple, and black -
Reddish, shiny bark, looks polished