Summer on the Harlem Meer: Nature

Discover the Meer and its residents!
The Harlem Meer (Dutch for “lake”) is one of Central Park’s best-kept secrets: a perfect spot to relax, connect with others, and observe nature. Join our team of friendly tour guides for a morning of hands-on activities and nature walks before the Harlem Meer Performance Festival.
From nature-themed arts and crafts featuring the Meer’s wildlife (including its beloved turtles!) and waterside chats about its ecology to 30-minute guided walks around the Meer, we invite visitors of all ages to get to know this water body like never before.
All activities are free and available on a first-come, first-served basis. RSVP here to let us know you’re joining us for a nature walk.
Check out our Summer on the Harlem Meer webpage for the full event listing.