English Elm

Like the American elm, English elm populations in North America have been decimated by Dutch elm disease. Once the dominant tree of the English countryside, prime examples of the stately tree are now rare in England. The famed "Hangman's Tree" in Washington Square is an English elm. A variety of elms imported from Europe can be spotted throughout Central Park, including Wych, Dutch, and field elms. It can be difficult to differentiate between them, even for the most practiced tree hugger, so take comfort in enjoying these survivors regardless of a concrete identification.
3-6 inches long; alternate arrangement; dark green; simple; doubly sharp, saw-like edges; oblique base; rough surface with pubescent underside; short petiole; no terminal bud -
0.5 inch diameter, rounded samaras notched at top, greenish yellow -
No ornamental value, bloom early spring -
Dark gray, furrowed