Conservatory Garden: Bed #5

The Conservatory Garden, Central Park’s only formal garden, is always a beautiful space filled with various colors, scents, and textures. Late summer, however, is an especially vibrant time. Hundreds of flowers and plants are now in bloom, making it both a treat to the senses and a retreat from the pace of urban life.
Located on the east side of the Park between 104th and 106th Streets, this six-acre garden is composed of three areas, each with a distinct design: the French-style North Garden, the Italianate Center Garden, and the English-style South Garden.
The planning and vision for today’s blooms started back in January of 2021. Learn how “bed number 5” in the South Garden is harmoniously designed by the Central Park Conservancy’s gardening team.

Section #1

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Helichrysum petiolare (licorice plant)
- Verbena x ‘Superbena Royale Plum Wine’ (Superbena Royale Plum Wine verbena)
- Colocasia ‘Diamond head’ (Diamond Head taro)
- Strobilanthes dyerianus (Persian shield)
- Salvia guaranitica (anise sage)
- Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’ (Mona Lavender Swedish ivy)
- Impatiens repens (creeping impatiens)
- Abutilon x ‘Burgundy’ (Burgundy flowering maple)
- Hibiscus acetosella ‘Jungle Red’ (red-leaved hibiscus)
- Alternanthera dentata ‘Rubiginosa’ (upright calico plant)

Section #2

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Alternanthera dentata ‘Rubiginosa’ (upright calico plant)
- Hibiscus acetosella ‘Jungle Red’ (red-leaved hibiscus)
- Salvia guaranitica ‘Argentine Skies’ (Argentine Skies anise sage)
- Coleus ‘Sedona’ (Sedona coleus)
- Ipomoea batatas ‘#99’ (#99 sweet potato vine)
- Abelmoschus manihot (ornamental okra)
- Zinnia elegans ‘Benary Coral’ (Benary Coral zinnia)
- Pennisetum purpurea ‘Vertigo’ (Vertigo purple fountain grass)
- Duranta recta ‘Golden Edge’ (golden dewdrop)
- Arctotis x ‘Harlequin Flame’ (Harlequin Flame African daisy)
- Helichrysum thianschanicum ‘Icicles’ (Icicles licorice plant)

Section #3

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Zinnia elegans ‘Benary Coral’ (Benary Coral zinnia)
- Helichrysum thianschanicum ‘Icicles’ (Icicles licorice plant)
- Pelargonium capitatum ‘Attar of Roses’ (rose-scented geranium)
- Cuphea varia ‘David Verity’ (David Verity firecracker plant)
- Ammi major (false Queen Anne’s lace)
- Rudbeckia x ‘Prairie Sun’ (Prairie Sun coneflower)
- Salvia uliginosa (bog sage)
- Salvia farinacea ‘Victoria Blue’ (Victoria Blue mealy-cup sage)
- Nicotiana langsdorfii (lime tobacco)
- Ipomoea ‘Red Hawk’ (Red Hawk sweet potato vine)
- Canna ‘Pretoria’ (Pretoria canna)

Section #4

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Salvia uliginosa (bog sage)
- Nicotiana langsdorfii (lime tobacco)
- Ipomoea ‘Red Hawk’ (Red Hawk sweet potato vine)
- Agastache ‘Kudos Mandarin’ (Kudos Mandarin hummingbird mint)
- Salvia guaranitica (anise sage)
- Canna ‘Pretoria’ (Pretoria canna)
- Dahlia ‘Bishop of York’ (Bishop of York dahlia)
- Ipomoea ‘Ace of Spades’ (Ace of Spades sweet potato vine)
- Arctotis x ‘Harlequin Flame’ (Harlequin Flame African daisy)
- Pennisetum setaceum rubrum (purple fountain grass)

Section #5

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Cuphea varia ‘Caribbean Sunset’ (Caribbean Sunset firecracker plant)
- Pennisetum setaceum rubrum (purple fountain grass)
- Nicotiana langsdorfii (lime tobacco)
- Verbena x ‘Lanai Blue’ (lanai blue verbena)
- Duranta recta ‘Golden Edge’ (golden dewdrop)
- Bulbine frutescens ‘Hallmark” (orange bulbine)
- Plectranthus argentatus (silver plectranthus)
- Alternanthera dentata ‘Rubiginosa’ (upright calico plant)
- Arctotis x ‘Harlequin Flame’ (Harlequin Flame African daisy)
- Lantana ‘Lemon Zest’ (Lemon Zest verbena)
- Colocasia ‘Black Magic’ (Black Magic taro)
- Salvia splendens van houttei ‘Paul’ (Paul scarlet sage)

Section #6

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Lantana ‘Lemon Zest’ (Lemon Zest verbena)
- Salvia splendens van houttei ‘Paul’ (Paul scarlet sage)
- Hibiscus trionum (flower-of-an-hour)
- Arctotis x ‘Harlequin Flame’ (Harlequin Flame African daisy)
- Nicotiana langsdorfii (lime tobacco)
- Otocanthus caeruleus ‘Caribbean Blue’ (Brazilian snapdragon)
- Plectranthus fosteri ‘Green on Green’ (Green on Green plectranthus)
- Gomphrena globosa ‘Purple’ (Purple globe amaranth)
- Furcrea foetida ‘Mediopicta’ (Mauritius hemp)
- Salvia uliginosa (bog sage)
- Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’ (purple heart)

Section #7

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’ (purple heart)
- Salvia uliginosa (bog sage)
- Gomphrena globosa ‘Purple’ (Purple globe amaranth)
- Coleus ‘Dark Star’ (Dark Star coleus)
- Catharanthus roseus ‘Tattoo Blackberry’ (Tattoo Blackberry vinca)
- Ruellia brittoniana (Mexican petunia)
- Verbena bonariensis (Argentinian vervain)
- Achnatherum calamagrostis (grass) (silver spike grass)

Section #8

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Coleus ‘Dark Star’ (Dark Star coleus)
- Verbena bonariensis (Argentinian vervain or verbena)
- Catharanthus roseus ‘Tattoo Blackberry’ (Tattoo Blackberry vinca)
- (grass) Achnatherum calamagrostis (silver spike grass)
- Catharanthus roseus ‘Tattoo Blackberry’ (Tattoo Blackberry vinca)
- Ruellia brittoniana (Mexican petunia)
- Ipomoea batatas ‘Sweet Caroline Lime’ (Sweet Caroline Lime sweet potato vine)
- Gomphrena globosa ‘Purple’ (Purple globe amaranth)
- Colocasia ‘Blue Hawaii’ (Blue Hawaii taro)

Section #9

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Ruellia brittoniana (Mexican petunia)
- Gomphrena globosa ‘Purple’ (Purple globe amaranth)
- Ipomoea batatas ‘Sweet Caroline Lime’ (Sweet Caroline Lime sweet potato vine)
- Colocasia ‘Blue Hawaii’ (Blue Hawaii taro)
- Gomphrena globosa ‘Purple’ (Purple globe amaranth)
- Nicotiana alata ‘Lime Green’ (Lime Green tobacco)
- Ipomoea batatas ‘Ace of Spades’ (Ace of Spades sweet potato vine)
- Pelargonium graveolens ‘Grey Lady Plymouth’ (Grey Lady Plymouth scented geranium)
- Ammi majus ‘Dara’ (Dara false Queen Anne’s lace)
- Dahlia ‘Karma Lagoon’ (Karma Lagoon dahlia)
- Salvia interrupta ‘Waverly’ (Wavery Atlas Mt. sage)
- Salvia x ‘Mystic Spires’ (Mystic Spires sage)
- Verbena x ‘Lanai Royal Purple’ (Lanai Royal Purple verbena)
- Coleus ‘The Line’ (The Line coleus)
- Gossypium herbaceum ‘Nigra’ (black cotton)

Section #10

Plants are listed from right to left.
- Salvia x ‘Mystic Spires’ (Mystic Spires sage)
- Coleus ‘The Line’ (The Line coleus)
- Gossypium herbaceum ‘Nigra’ (black cotton)
- Heliotropium arborescens ‘Marine’ (Marine heliotrope)
- Phygelius x rectus ‘Moonraker’ (Moonraker cape fuchsia)
- Verbena x ‘Lanai Royal Purple’ (Lanai Royal Purple verbena)
- Gomphrena globosa ‘Lavender’ (Lavender globe amaranth)
- Angelonia angustifolia ‘AngelFace Blue’ (AngelFace Blue summer snapdragon)
- Nicotiana alata ‘Perfume Deep Purple’ (Perfume Deep Purple tobacco)
- Salvia guaranitica (anise sage)
- Strobilanthes dyerianus (Persian shield)
- Verbena x ‘Superbena Royale Plum Wine’ (Superbena Royale Plum Wine verbena)
- Helichrysum petiolare (licorice plant)